Contoh Esai Rencana Studi LPDP / Study Objective LPDP - 28 Desember 2018 alhamdulillah saya mendapatkan pengumuman bahwa saya dinyatakan lulus beasiswa LPDP BPI Luar Negeri 2018 ke New York University. Beberapa dari teman-teman ada yang menanyakan contoh rencana studi LPDP yang saya tuliskan, dan saya totally CC-BY (saya berkeyakinan bahwa semua ilmu pengetahuan perlu disebarluaskan agar bisa bermanfaat), maka saya menuliskan contoh esai rencana studi/study objective ini untuk berbagi. Setidaknya rencana studi ini mengantarkan saya hingga lulus seleksi substansi.
Sebelumnya, teman-teman perlu memperhatikan instruksi esai rencana studi yang diminta oleh LPDP. Esai ini bisa dituliskan dalam bahasa Inggris maupun bahasa Indonesia. Namun jika Anda bertujuan untuk kuliah ke Luar Negeri, maka lebih baik esai ini dituliskan dalam bahasa Inggris. Untuk tahun 2018 sendiri, berikut adalah rincian dari deskripsi yang perlu dituliskan dalam rencana studi:
ESSAY 2 : Rencana Studi (500-700 kata)
Essay meliputi:
- Deskripsikan rencana perkuliahan dan sks per-semester yang akan ditempuh hingga selesai studi.
- Deskripsikan topik apa yang akan Saudara tulis dalam tesis.
- Deskripsikan aktivitas di luar perkuliahan yang akan Saudara lakukan selama studi.
- Melampirkan daftar silabus perkuliahan [kuliah studi lapangan (field study) yang mengeluarkan biaya tambahan tidak dibiayai oleh LPDP]
Berikut Esai Rencana Studi Saya
I am interested to study in Master of Arts in Psychology in New York University with Social Psychology as my area of focus. It is related to my educational background-Bachelor’s Degree in Psychology and social activities I have been working on. A master program will give me more in-depth learning and advanced training so that I will have the expertise I need inside and outside in the academic world and society.
I specifically interested in this Master of Arts in Psychology – New York University (NYU) because it offers general Psychology with social psychology as its concentration. Social Psychologists have a number of job options available that comes with many responsibilities. The specific duty I would love to pursue in the future is drafting public policies, continuing my work in Satu Hati NGO as a women advocate, and working with politicians in bringing women issues specifically gender-based violence into tables. NYU itself was ranked among top 30 universities internationally by the Academic Ranking of World Universities.
The program I am applying for is the Master of Arts in Psychology – New York University. The details of the following program are:
Program Name
General Psychology, with a concentration in Social Psychology.
Graduate School of Arts and Science, New York University.
Program Type
Full-time MA program.
New York, NY 10003, USA
21 credits
Master of Arts, with abbreviation MA.
To complete the Master of Arts in the Psychology program, it is required to take a minimum 21 credits divided into 3 cores; 1 required courses, 6 elective courses, and written comprehensive exams/master thesis. Details regarding the courses that planned would be taken are as follows:
The main theme/topic of the thesis I plan to select is: “Gender Stereotypes in Social Psychology Context: Its Impact on Gender-based Violence”. This theme selection is really vital as this will provide a strong foundation upon which to build the rest of my work as a woman advocate. As new surveys show violence against women becomes more widespread in Indonesia. Over 33% of women, aged 15 to 64 years old, had experienced physical and/or sexual violence in her lifetime.
In my research, I am planning to divide key household tasks within social psychology contexts and how gender stereotypes specifically have an impact on gender-based violence and discrimination. A survey will be conducted and in-depth interview will be taken in order to be clear about gender stereotypes starting from the definition of it, social constructs, and continue with data collection.
Dana Eaton, MA Program Administrator Department of Psychology NYU, stated that there are not Fieldwork/field trip programs for MA Students in Psychology. Students may find their own work, research, independent study, or internship. Seminars could be taken to apply for course credits.
During the completion of Master of Arts in Psychology, I am planning to participate in several activities as follows:
- Join PPI (Indonesian Student Association) in the United States.
- Participating in seminars and conferences either outside or inside the campus.
- Routinely writing blogs and articles on mass media.
- Writing books about women's studies in the social context.
- Internship at the UN Women.
Semoga ulasan mengenai contoh esai rencana studi ini bisa bermanfaat.
Artikel Berkaitan Mengenai Beasiswa LPDP:
ReplyDeleteAda nggak contoh daftar silabus (yg mengeluarkan biaya tambahan tanpa dibiayai LPDP)
Kalau ada, tolong share atau kirim ke email saya ya
Terima kasih
Kl LoA unconditional itu dapetnya dimana dan bagaimana ya mba?
ReplyDeleteKak sdh dpt LoA nya ??
DeleteAlhamdulillah, jazakumullahu khairan
ReplyDeleteijin copy.makasih
ReplyDeletehalo kak, saya kebetulan mahasiswa psikologi dan sedang skripsi mengenai sexual harassment myth acceptance dan persepsi terhadap pelecehan seksual. terkait dengan pilihan judul master's thesis kakak, apakah kakak berkenan untuk diskusi ya? kebetulan saya mengalami hambatan di bagian tinjauan pustaka dan saya sedang mencari-cari referensi kak, karena literatur tentang pelecehan seksual cukup minim penelitiannya, terutama di indonesia. terima kasih sebelumnya kak.
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